Golden Retriever Club of Hawaii

Affiliated with the Golden Retriever Club of America…

  • Spay - Neuturing © 1996 - 1997 by Gloria S. Dittman
    Everyone who has ever owned a dog, has at one time or another wondered, "Should I breed my dog?"
    Even if the thought was fleeting, the temptation to reproduce what you consider to be the BEST DOG IN THE WORLD is there.
    What, you may wonder, are the criteria for breeding a dog and how should you make the decision to breed or alter your companion dog?

    Dog owners, fanciers and breeders, both in the United States and elsewhere in the world, are facing some serious challenges in today’s world.
    Pet overpopulation is a serious problem in the United States. The most recent statistics I have seen, from the Humane Society of the United States, estimate that in 1992 approximately 7.5 MILLION pets were destroyed in the United States. In a six-year time period, one unspayed bitch and her offspring can be responsible for 57,000 additional puppies!

    Those are VERY disturbing figures, especially considering the ever- increasing anti-breed and breed-specific legislation being proposed at both the local and national level.
    Taking all of this into consideration, it is my personal belief that the ONLY valid reason to breed ANY dog today is to IMPROVE THE BREED!

    See the full article here. Back to FAQ